
Today in class we did our presentations on the countries we were assigned. The country my group and I were assigned was Japan. Overall, my presentation was good but I think mine was well under 2 minutes. Everyone else in my group did pretty good. After my group went first I watched the other presentations and this is what I learned.

- East African country
- 48 million people live there.
- GDP is $3,500 dollars per person per year
- Kenya has the largest economy in east and central Africa
- Market based economy
- Kenya has an infant mortality rate of 36.1 deaths per 1000 live births
- 44% of the people have no electricity

Democratic Republic of The Congo-
- Based off of subsistence farming ( when you only grow enough food for you and your family)
- The Congos GDP is very low, only $800
- 63% of people are below the poverty line
- The official language is french

- Most of their exports go to The United States\
- Mostly an Industrial Economy, (makes cars, electronics, etc.)


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