The Northern Renaissance

1. Many cities began to grow after the Hundred Year's War ended and people became rich.
2. It allowed for fast and cheap production of books. Many people were able to afford books and it expanded citizens knowledge
3. His work portrayed religious subjects, classical myths, or realistic landscapes.
4. He used multiple layers in his paintings and made oil painting popular
5. His art was of everyday peasant life such as weddings, dances, and harvests.
6. He had a famous writing called The Praise of Folly and he believed that everyone should study the Bible
7. He wrote the book Utopia 
8. He drew inspiration from the classics and showed a deep understanding of humans

1. Utopia- ideal place
    William Shakespeare- a famous writer who if often referred to as the greatest play writer of all time.
    Johann Gutenberg- a craftsman that developed the printing press.
2. I think the most important thing from the northern renaissance is the writings. We still talk about some of the writings from this time and use them as inspiration.
3. He went to study in Italy and started making woodcuts and engravings.
4. There became an increase in the availability of books. 
5.  It allowed for fast and cheap production of books. Many people were able to afford books and it expanded citizens knowledge
