What Questions should be on the test.

1. Whats the definition of Geography?
The study of where things are found on earths surface.

2. Who made the first world map?
A. Socrates
B. Eratosthenes
C. Christopher Columbus
D. Garcia

3. What is absolute location expressed in?
A. degrees, minutes, or seconds
B. regional position

4. What is relative location expressed in?
A. regional position
B. degrees, minutes or seconds

5. What is the equators degree?
The equators degree is 0.

6. Latitude lines get _______ towards the poles.
A. shorter
B. longer
C. wider
D. more narrow

7. What place does the prime meridian pass through.?
The prime meridian passes through Greenwich, England.

8. Why isn't Coordinated Universal Time's abbreviation (CUT)?
Because in most other languages the adjective goes after the verb not before.

9. Which direction do meridians run?
Meridians run north to south on the globe.

10. Can sites be changed by humans?
Yes, sites can be changed by humans. For example, Manhattan has gotten 2 times bigger since the year 1626.


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