Today in class we took our test on the countries of North America and South America. I felt very good about this test. North America was much easier for me and I felt I got 100% on that side of the test. On the side with South America I think I did very good but maybe I got 2 mixed up. When I studied I had a hard time differing Columbia and Venezuela. Other than that mix up I think I did good. After the test we learned about time zones which is very confusing. Time zone lines are basically the meridians but very crooked so they don't run through the middle of Important places. The definition of a time zone is a region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial and social purposes. There are 24 time zones, 1 for each hour and each one is 15 degrees wide. We also learned about UTC, the coordinated universal time, also known as the standard of time. Why not CUT? Its not CUT because the majority of world languages write the adjective than the verb.


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