Today in class we went over the population pyramids again. We watched the TED-ED video as a class instead of independent like we did yesterday. I learned more things about population pyramids. One thing I learned was that males are always on the left of the graph no matter what. They probably do that to keep everything uniform and consistent. I also learned that women always have more people on their side because it is a proven fact that women live longer than men. Many things can affect the shape of the population pyramid. One thing is war. When many people die in a war (mostly men), the women have a much higher population for that age group. Another thing that can affect the shape of the population pyramid is if there is a baby boom for a specific number of years. If there is, the bulge of people will keep moving up until they eventually die out. Lastly population pyramids do a great job of predicting the future and remembering statistics from the past.


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